- after the Brand has submitted a work order, an email informs the printing partner that a new work order was submitted for them
- login to process the work order
- after login, you arrive in the company home window
- click on the hamburger menu at the top left corner of the screen
- in the slide-out menu click on work orders
- in the work orders window, the most recent work order is always displayed at the top
- to see the work order details, click on the little arrow at the bottom of the work order field
- here, all the details the brand owner submitted, are displayed
Process the Work order
- click on the 'Generate Codes' icon in the top right corner of the work order field
- this will open the work order
- in the bottom part, there is a little information that needs to be filled in by the printing partner
- select the printing equipment on which you wish to print the order.
- NOTE: If you cannot find the printer you wish to print on in the drop-down menu, you have to add it to the portal first
- choose a substrate from the drop-down list. The dropdown list only displays substrates that have already been calibrated for the above-selected equipment
- NOTE: if the substrate you wish to print on has not been calibrated for this equipment yet, you will have to calibrate it first. If you have not added the substrate to the portal, you will have to add it before you can calibrate it
- select the printing equipment on which you wish to print the order.
- click on 'Generate Codes'
- in the pop-up window, click 'Confirm'
- it is not possible to make any more adjustments to the work order after you click 'Confirm'. If adjustments are required, please ask the Brand to create a new work order and to cancel this one.
IMPORTANT: Please remember, you must only ever print on substrates that have been calibrated for the equipment on which you wish to print them.
Getting the Codes
- once the codes have been generated, they are ready to be downloaded
- Click on the downward-pointing arrow in the work order field
- they are placed in the same folder where all your other files downloaded from the internet are placed
- the Folder name will start with work order, followed by some cryptic Alphanumeric message
- NOTE: You can change the name, just make sure you can recognize it later
- The folder will contain 4 items:
- codes.csv
- manifest.json
- sample_qr.tiff
- secure_graphic.tiff
Codes.csv Folder contains 5 columns with data
- Column 1 contains the extended ID
- Column 2 contains the serial number, the one that the client ordered
- Column 3 contains the sequence number within the work order starting from 1
- Column 4 contains the batch number, there can be multiple batches within one work order as one batch will only contain up to 20 thousand codes
- Column 5 contains the full URL (the extended ID with the URL prefix
The serial number, shown in Column 2, should be printed in human-readable form, please refer to the artwork provided by your client. The full URL is what will be encoded inside the QR Code.
the manifest.json file describes the content and the various settings for the work order. It includes details about the printing equipment, work order, and code type. it is required to generate the actual codes from the QR messages with our QR generator.
The sample_qr.tiff contains a sample of how the QR Code should look when printed.
The secure_graphic.tiff contains the image for the secure graphic.