
How to edit an STE Task

Editing an STE Task is the most important step to using the task feature in the Scantrust portal. In this article, you'll learn: how to edit scan and result screens, and edit SCM data configuration, for both Lookup and Upload tasks

Steps to access the STE Task Editor:

  1. Log in to the Scantrust platform.
  2. Please access the STE Task feature. If you don´t remember how to do it, please refer to the following article: How to Create an STE Task.
  3. Once you are in the STE task editor, please find the task that has been created previously and click on the small arrow on the right side of the task, then click on the button labeled EDIT TASK:


For Upload Tasks

SCM Data section

Tipically, we want to edit and configure the SCM data that is going to be updated by the task. In this section you'll find the list of the those SCM fields. To edit the field, please click on the EDIT FIELDS button.


Then, a pop-up will show the list of SCM fields already created, with the option to add a new one, and edit an existing field: 


To edit the existing fields, you click on the pen icon: 

Then, a window will appear, and you’ll be able to edit all of the field information including hidden, pre-set with a value, or controlled the field by a widget:


For instance, if you want to change the SCM field source, you can click on the drop-down menu and select the SCM field desired: 


Also, you can edit and add: field label, input type, symbologies allowed (QR Code, Barcode, etc), widget, add regular expressions and some other features. Once you finish to edit your task, don’t forget to save: 

Upload Data section

Determines what upload key is used when the data is uploaded. Should usually be extended_id but when just LU's are being scanned, this should be a different key, such as pallet or case:


Scan Screen section

In this section, you will be setting up the scanning process, including adding regular expressions, scan sounds, scan source: by extended ID, case number, or other,  scan counts, and scan symbologies allowed such as QR code, EAN_8, CODE_39, etc: 


Last but not least, please click on save: 











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