There are a couple of settings that have a big impact on what and in which the information language is displayed.
These language settings are configured in the SETTINGS section:
At the bottom, you'll find the: "Language and Content Display Options" subsection, which includes two options:
- "Select a default country"
- "Show e-label content in the official EU Language of the country"
Based on that, we have:
Configuration 1
- Scanned within EU:
- Content of the country of scan
- Language per mobile phone global settings
- Outside EU:
- Content of the default country (Sweden in this case)
- Language display:
- If the phone language is one of the supported EU languages -> shown in the mobile phone language
- if the phone language is a none-EU language --> the reference language is shown
Consumers can switch languages only among the already approved Languages:
Configuration 2:
- Scanned within EU
- Content of the country of scan
- The primary language of the country of scan (primary because some countries have more than 1 official language)
- Outside EU
- Content of the default country (Sweden in this case)
- Language display
- If the phone language is one of the supported EU languages -> shown in mobile phone language
- If the phone language is a none-EU language --> the reference language is shown
Consumers can switch languages among all the official EU Languages: