
Uploading SCM data In Bulk with SCM Uploader Tool

The SCM Uploader Tool allows brand owners to upload products, codes, serial numbers, and SCM data. It will validate the CSV before splitting it into batches and uploading it as JSON to the API. When the extended_id is chosen as the key, it will split up the CSV in batches of 1000, when another SCM field is chosen, it will split it up in batches of 100.

The tool is built in Python and runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Download SCM Uploader for your Operating System:

As you may remember, the Scantrust portal has campaigns, its settings define the SCM fields for all codes in a campaign, as well as the aggregation options (logistical units).

In this case, the SCM Uploader Tool has to call the Scantrust SCM data Upload API, so, to able to use the toll, your user should have the User Authorization Tokens pre-configured. For more information about this, please read this article: How to Create User Authorization Tokens.


Before using the tool


You should be able to comply with several requirements, following we mention them

1. Have downloaded the tool on your computer

2. Have the UAT configured with the scm_bulk_edit and scm_code_edit permissions

3. The upload CSV file should contain, the extended ID and the SCM field names as headers, following an example: 

Note: We assumed you already created the SCM fields in the campaign accordingly. 



Steps to run the tool:

1. Please, run the CMD app as an admin on your computer

2. Using the following line, type your folder location and press Enter:

cd Users\[your user name]\[File Location]\[File Folder] 

In the example below, what is shown in bold is what you have to write, and what is shown in green is the result you should get: 

Example: C:\Users\test>cd desktop\scm_upload-latest

Now you are in the folder with all the files needed. If you want to confirm what files are included in that folder, please type the following:

Users\[your user name]\[File Location]\[File Folder]> dir

Then, you should be able to see the following:

3. Once you are located in the folder, the next step is to set in the command line the information below:

  • Select the tool: scm_upload-latest
  • Select the CSV file: yourcsvfile.csv
  • Log into Scantrust Server:
  • UAT Token: UAT token to login from the Scantrust portal
  • The header value you want to use as data_key

4. Type all of them in a single line: 

Users\[your user name]\[File Location]\[File Folder]>scm_upload.exe --token[your token] --csv [yourfile.csv] --server --key [the header you want to use to upload the data] 

Then press Enter, and you should be able to get this response:

5. Finally, you can double-check if the information was successfully associated by logging into the portal and checking in the codes transaction section.

NOTE: When the extended_id is chosen as the key, it will split up the CSV in batches of 1000, when another SCM field is chosen, it will split it up in batches of 100.

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