
Setting up Logistical Units in Campaigns

Following we share the steps to set up a logistic unit in Scantrust: 

1. Log in to the platform. 

2. Click on the hamburger menu at the top left corner of the screen: 

Hamburger Icon.jpg 

3. In the slide-out menu click on Campaigns: 


4. Once the Campaigns section is opened, find the campaign for which you wish to add a logistical unit and click on the "option panel" icon in your campaign: 

5. You'll arrive on the redirect screen inside the campaign home screen. Click on SCM T&T option in the campaign menu bar: 


6. Setting up a logistical unit is similar to setting up an SCM field, will assume that you have already read the following article, if not, please take a look: Setting up SCM fields in Campaign. Then, for instance, to be able to associate 4 items to one box, you have to add a "logistical unit SCM parameter"

7. If you are going to set up fields from the very beginning you need to enable the SCM T&T Option:

Then, click on the ADD (+) button in Section 1, the 'Define' Section: 

8. The 'Add Field' pop-up window will appear, fill in the form:

  • Displayed Name* - what will be visible to Users
  • Key* - unique identifier within the Scantrust System
  • Field Type* - choose Logistical Unit from the drop-down menu
  • Display* - decide if you want this field to be visible in Consumer Facing Communications

9. Then, click on CREATE and  SAVE CHANGES. If the field is still in Section 1, drag-and-drop it into Section 2:


To set up a second Logistical Unit repeat the process but choose a different name. You can see both of your new logistical units in section 2, the 'Select and Arrange' Section. 


10. In Section 3, the 'Manage Logistical Units Section', you see all the logistical units in order. In the first position, is always the biggest unit. moving to the right the units become smaller. The units appear in the order in which they were created. If that is incorrect, simply click on the unit and drag it to the position where you would like it to appear (arrange it for largest to smallest Logistical Unit).

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