
Associating SCM Tags Manually or in Bulk with CSV Upload

Following you'll find the steps to associate SCM tags, either if you want to do it Manually or in Bulk:

Updating Manually

1. After logging in to the Scantrust system, click on the hamburger menu at the top left corner of the screen.

2. In the slide-out menu click on: "Campaigns".

3. Then, in the campaigns window, you can view all the campaigns that have been added previously. Click on the option panel action button, in your campaign on the top right of the campaign field.

4. You will arrive on the redirect screen inside the campaign settings. Then, in the campaign menu bar, click on the tab named: "Codes".

5. In there, you'll see all the individual codes that have been added to this campaign. To update the information for just one code, click on the menu button in the Actions column:

  • If the code is inactive; you will see these options:
    • Activate
    • Edit SCM Data
  • If the code is active: you will see these options:
    • Blacklist
    • Edit SCM Data

To just activate or blacklist a code, choose the option accordingly. 

6. To edit the SCM fields, click on the "edit SCM data" button.

7. In the pop-up window, you can assign or change any SCM field (this option is available to update a few codes).

Updating via CSV Upload

1. In the campaign's home, go to the SCM T&T tab. For the purpose of this article, we assume that you have already set up your SCM fields (If not, please take a look at the video: Setting up SCM fields in Campaigns)

2. Click on the: "Download CSV template" button. The file can be found where all the other downloaded documents on your computer are stored.

3. Open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel or a similar program. The headers are already pre-populated properly - No guesswork required.

4. SCM fields can be updated based on the Extended ID or based on the serial number. If set up, they could also be updated based on the logistical unit. In this case, we will use Extended IDs as the reference.

5. Decide which SCM fields to update.

  • NOTE: Intended market - the intended market input must be according to the ISO alpha 2 standard in lowercase.

6. Delete all empty columns (updating a column with empty values may erase all previously associated data).

7. Save the file and remember the name.

8. Now, return to the codes window under campaigns and click on: "upload SCM Data by CSV".

9. In the pop-up window click on: "Choose File"

10. Select the file you wish to upload:

  • If your file type is CSV, which stands for comma-separated value, the delimiter is a comma and this is set by default.
  • If your file is using a different delimiter please input it:
    • NOTE: All templates provided on the ScanTrust platform are CSV files.

11. Click on "Next"

12. You are shown all the headers that can be found in the file you have just chosen to upload.

13. Select the field that contains the unique identifier for your file.

14. Click on: "Start Upload". For updates based on extended_id or based on serial_number, if all goes well, you will see the pop-up that tells you that all codes have been updated successfully. 

For asynchronous uploads (meaning uploads based on an SCM field) you can close the window and check the status by clicking on: "CSV Processing Queue" in the upper right corner. 


NOTE: only uploads based on SCM fields are included in the log, associations via Extended ID or Serial number are omitted in the Upload Log

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