Code Transactions is a tool provided by Scantrust for its users to view the updated history of Scantrust codes in a company. It is particularly useful in verifying if an update to a single code or a batch of code has been successful or failed, and what update has been made to the codes.
One single record of code update is called a single transaction.
Note: you must be an Account Admin of a brand company to use this feature.
Types of code transactions that can be viewed:
- Codes updated by Scantrust Enterprise app
- Codes updated via SCM CSV upload or single code edit on Scantrust Enterprise Portal
- Codes updated by an integration script running at the client calling our REST API
Transaction Status
- Complete/failed: whether the transaction has been completed or not. Complete means the transaction has been completed. Failed means the transaction has failed and you will need to investigate.
- Pending/in progress: the codes are being updated.
How to access Code Transactions
- On Scantrust Enterprise Portal, click on “Code Transactions” from the hamburger menu.
- Filter the code from the left panel.
3. Click on the 3 dots on the right to view transaction details.
- You can check which codes are being updated by looking for the parameter "extended_id" in the full parameters JSON
- You can check what SCM data has been updated for a code or a batch of codes by reading "SCM Fields Passed"