QR Manager is a tool used to create and download non-serialised SID (Scantrust ID) codes.
You can access the tool from the hamburger menu on the Scantrust Enterprise Portal.
Please take note that QR Manager is not a tool that is accessible to all customers. Please contact if you cannot see the tool on the menu.
Create Product
Before creating products, remember to check if the brand of the product has already been created.
Go to the side menu “Brands” to check if the brand exists. If the brand has not been created, please create a brand.
- Click on the campaign to choose the campaign you want to create products in.
- Click on “+" NEW PRODUCT” tab to open the pop-up window
(a) Create a single product
- Click on “New Product”, and in the pop-up, fill in the required information
(b) Create multiple products
- Click on “Multiple Products”
- Click on “Download CSV Template”
- Open the .csv file with software like Excel, then fill in the information in each cell. One row is one product. Save the file in .csv format.
- Click on “Choose File” to upload the CSV file
- Click on “NEXT”. Your products will be added.
Generate QR Codes
(a) Generate codes for a single product
- Choose the product you want to generate QR codes for. Click on the “GET QR CODES” tab on the right.
- Click on “+ NEW QR CODE”
- Enter the quantity for the codes in the pop-up window, then click on “ACTIVATE”
- Wait till the codes are generated.
(b) Generate codes for multiple products
- Click on “CREATE MORE”
- Download the CSV template. You can see the template comes with SKU and other fields. Those fields are SCM fields and you can remove all the unwanted SCM fields from the template. Sku is a mandatory field.
- Fill in the SKU and other SCM information that you want to upload.
- Insert upload batch identifier. It is highly recommended to insert an upload batch identifier so you can search for all the codes that you created easily.
- Wait till the codes are generated.
Download Codes
(a) Download codes for a single product
- Select a product
- Select single or multiple codes
Click on: Download button
- In the pop-up, choose the format for the QR code images
- Edit naming convention, for example: {sku}-{code_id}
- Click on “DOWNLOAD ZIP”
(b) Download codes for multiple products
- On the main page of QR Manager, select “MANAGE ALL QR CODES”
- Search for your products and select the codes
Click on: Download button
- In the pop-up, choose the format for the QR code images
- Edit naming convention, for example: {sku}-{code_id}
- Click on “DOWNLOAD ZIP”
You can also edit SCM tags or transfer codes to another product in the QR Manager
Edit SCM Tags
- Click on the “GET QR CODES” tab from the product list
- Select single or multiple codes
- Click on the Edit Tags button
- In the pop-up, edit the "tag" Value
- Create on: “NEW TAG” in the pop-up
Transfer Codes to Another Product
- Click on the “GET QR CODES” tab from the product list
- Select single or multiple codes
- Click on the Transfer Codes button
- Select the name of the product to transfer to, then click on "TRANSFER"