
Creating a Work Order with ST Tool - Beginner Instructions

Windows Users

Before running the tool, please make sure that: 

  • You disabled your antivirus provider temporarily. 
  • The UAT tokens for your company include access to:
    • product_view
    • workorder_create
    • workorder_view

Steps to run the tool:

1. Please, run the CMD app as an admin on your computer

2. Using the following line, type your folder location and press Enter:

cd Users\[your user name]\[File Location]\[File Folder]  
Example: C:\Users\test>cd desktop\wo_create_v1.1

Now you are located in the folder with every file you need. If you want  to confirm what files are included in that folder, please type the following: 

 Users\[your user name]\[File Location]\[File Folder]> dir

 Then, you should be able to see the following: 


3. Once you are located in the folder, the next step is to set in the command the information below: 

  • Select the tool:  wo_create
  • Select the CSV file: yourcsvfile.csv
  • log in to Scantrust Server:
  • UAT Token: UAT token to login from the Scantrust portal

Type all of them in a single line and then press Enter: 

Users\[your user name]\[File Location]\[File Folder]>wo_create.exe --token [your token] --source [yourfile.csv] --server 

4. Then, press ENTER, you will see:

using server
using file WorkOrderTool.csv
read 1 workorder(s)
uploading prepared workorders
creating workorder with reference:PO1234_PRINTER_REF_001/product id:10089/template id:500/code_quantity:1000/remarks:These are my remarks
1 workorders loaded
1 workorders created

In summary, the command line should be similar to the following: 

C:\Users\test>cd desktop\wo_create_v1.1

El volumen de la unidad C es Windows-SSD
El número de serie del volumen es: E214-5101
Directorio de C:\Users\test\Desktop\wo_create_v1.1
27/07/2022  03:41 p. m.    <DIR>          .
28/07/2022  03:57 p. m.    <DIR>          ..
27/07/2022  03:41 p. m.               126 WorkOrderTool.csv
27/07/2022  01:24 p. m.        38.900.328 wo_create.exe

               2 archivos     38.900.454 bytes
              2 dirs  377.315.741.696 bytes libres

C:\Users\test\Desktop\wo_create_v1.1>wo_create.exe --token KYyFnNmKh4kdGtZYEhhMfEwXMXsRKPFYRPrgdCey --source WorkOrderTool.csv  --server

using server
using file WorkOrderTool.csv
read 1 workorder(s)
uploading prepared workorders
creating workorder with reference:PO1234_PRINTER_REF_001/product id:10089/template id:500/code_quantity:1000/remarks:These are my remarks
1 workorders loaded
1 workorders created

5. Finally, you can double-check if the work order was successfully created by logging into the portal and checking in the work order section. 

Important to keep in mind: 

  • If the tool will be used by the Printing partner, the token to use has to be provided by the brand owner
  • The uploaded CSV file should contain the fields that were preconfigured on the .csv template attached at the end of this article.
  • Check all the products in the work order file. If any of the products cannot be found, the script is aborted and NO work orders will be created
  • Check all the wo_template_id fields in the work order file. If any of the templates cannot be found, or if any template doesn´t have a printing partner, the script is aborted and NO work orders will be created. If you don´t know the wo_template_id, please contact:


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