
Creating Multiple Products and QR codes in QR Manager via CSV upload

QR Manager is a tool used for creating and downloading non-serialized SID (Scantrust ID) codes. 

You can access the tool from the hamburger menu on Scantrust Enterprise Portal.

Please take note that QR Manager is not a tool that is accessible to all customers. Please contact if you cannot see the tool on the menu. 


This article covers the following topics:

Create CSV file

Please prepare your CSV file with the correct product information. See the template in the attachment for your reference.



  • Mandatory:
    • sku - Product SKU
    • name - product name
  • Optional:
    • url - product link
    • description - product description


Create Products in QR manager

  • Login to Scantrust Portal
  • Click on the hamburger menu button, select QR Manager
  • On the QR Manager page, under Campaigns, select the correct one you wish to add products to
  • Click on + NEW PRODUCT button to proceedScantrust__18_.png


  • In the Create/Update Products pop-up, please select Multiple ProductsScantrust__31_.png
  • Click on CHOOSE FILE to select your CSV file
  • Select your local file and click NEXT

  • Your products have been created successfully. 

Generate QR codes

  • After products are created, please click CREATE CODES to generate QR codes__2022-06-01_15.35.05.png

  • Click on CHOOSE FILE to upload the exact CSV file again__2022-06-01_15.37.14.png

  • Select the same local file that you used to create products and click NEXT
  • Enter the batch number and click NEXT__2022-06-01_15.40.17.png

  • Now, that you have all the QR codes updated, click DOWNLOAD THIS BATCH to get all the QR codes__2022-06-01_15.41.38.png

Design and Download QR codes

  • Select all the QR codes you created and click the DOWNLOAD button__2022-06-01_16.16.23.png

  • You can choose the color for your QR codes then click NEXT__2022-06-01_16.18.34.png

  • Select the download format and name convention.Create-Multiple-Products-and-QR-Codes-via-CSV-Upload.png

  • Click DOWNLOAD, and you will get a zip file containing the QR codes that you create.


Why upload the same CSV file twice?

To create multiple products and generate QR codes in one go, we recommend using only 1 CSV file to prevent mistakes. The CSV file contains product information.

The first upload is to create products in the Scantrust system.

The second upload is to update the SCM data to the products you just created.

Then you will download the QR codes with all the information that you wish the consumers to see.



Help with CSV files: How to open a CSV File in Excel

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