In this article, we'll show you how you can create products in Bulk in the Scantrust Platform
Creating Products in Bulk via QR Manager Section
Mandatory Fields :
- sku = product's SKU
- name = product's name
Optional Fields:
- client_url = product's URL
- description = product description
- brand = brand's reference
For further reference please take a look at the Help Center article: Creating Multiple Products and QR Codes in QR Manager via CSV upload
Creating Products in Bulk via Campaigns Section
(Option Panel --> Products)
Mandatory Fields :
- sku = product's SKU
- name = product's name
- brand = brand's reference
Optional Fields:
- client_url = product's URL
- description = products description
For further reference please take a look at the Help Center article: Adding Products in Bulk
Creating Products in Bulk via Products Section
(Upload by CSV)
Mandatory Fields :
- sku = product's SKU
- name = product's name
- brand = brand's reference
- campaign = campaign ID*
Optional Fields:
- client_url = product's URL
- description = products description
* to get the campaign ID, go to campaigns --> view in list view --> the campaign ID is in the very first column
Finally, attached you will find 3 different templates: