
Updating Products in Bulk

If you need to update PRODUCTS, please take the following steps. Take in consideration If you have any doubt about how to manage a .CSV file, please see article How to Open a CSV file in excel

  1. Go to the product section of the portal and
  2. Click on DOWNLOAD CSV in the bottom left corner mceclip0.png


3. You will get a CSV file with the following headers and ALL the products in your company

id sku name description client_url brand_id brand_name campaign_id campaign_name


ALWAYS keep COLUMN A. Without this column the update won't work.

4. Make your updates in the columns you wish to update

    • NOTE: client_url always has to have the prefix: http:// or https:// in order for the redirect to work later
    • Delete the columns where no update was made (likely columns F through J)

5. Then click on the UPLOAD BY CSV Button


6. In the pop-up click on the right button: UPDATE PRODUCTS


7. In the next window choose your file and click NEXT


8. If you didn't change the headers from the download file and still have column A, the system will tell you that the file is valid


9. The products will be updated. You are done when you see the below screen


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